
商业活动 总是提出大量的挑战. 但其中最复杂的动作是 工业厂房搬迁. 不仅是像桌子这样的标准物品, 表, chairs and office equipment from the administrative side of the business typically involved, but then there are the assets on the operations side—items that are often large, 又重又怪.

+, 可能有燃料, 润滑剂, solvents and other types of chemicals within the 工业设备 and machines that must be dealt with before the move. And, some of the devices used in industrial operations may be highly sensitive and easily damaged.

由于这些和其他原因, it’s critical that you follow a well-defined and proven process when planning for and executing an industrial plant or 企业搬迁.


Taking the steps below can help ensure that your industrial plant relocation goes smoothly and that you are in your new location and operational as quickly as possible.

    1. 仔细选择经验丰富的 专业包装、板条箱及运输公司.
      和工厂搬迁一样复杂, you want to be sure that the company you choose is not simply a service provider, but instead is a project partner and a single source of responsibility that you can trust and rely on based on decades of experience and countless successful moves. You also want to be sure that their fee is commensurate with their expertise, 所以一定要拿到报价. 一旦你做出了选择, you should ask for the provider’s input on each of the remaining steps in this list.
    2. Create a map of the new location showing exactly where all assets will be positioned.
      你的地图越详细越好. 太频繁, companies lump lots of items into a “we’ll deal with that when we get there” mental category and discover that having to make dozens (or more) of decisions at the new location is much more difficult than they anticipated. 是的, your large/complex/expensive assets are going to take up more of your planning and preparation time, 但也不要忽略了小物件.
    3. 制定搬迁计划和时间表.
      知道在你的新地方什么应该放在哪里是至关重要的. But you also need to determine the optimal order for disconnecting, 拆卸(如果需要), 准备, 从旧设施中打包和搬运物品, and then the reverse of those actions at the new facility. In many cases, the success of a plant relocation depends on the sequencing of activities. Be sure to pad your timeline if possible, to account for any problems that may arise during the move.
    4. 创建详细的库存清单.
      It’s important to have a comprehensive checklist of every item that will be handled by the specialty crating and shipping company you select. It may seem like it will be obvious if a particular item gets left behind or misplaced in the move, but in a new location and with your employees all having long To Do lists to get your operation back online, it may not be so easy to determine that items are missing.
    5. 与公用事业供应商做好安排.
      Will services like power or water need to be shut off while equipment is being installed and prepared for restarting? 或者在你占有财产时开启? If so, those arrangements should be made with plenty of lead time.
    6. Use insights from internal experts to prepare key assets for transport.
      The people who use and/or service your machinery and equipment are best equipped to develop a plan for preparing the items to be moved. Get their input and then take action on their recommendations as far in advance as possible.
    7. 为承包商和其他人写好说明.
      Anyone who has a complicated task to complete for the move—especially third-party service providers who may not be familiar with your operations—should receive clear, 简洁的, 以及你需要他们做什么的完整说明. Even if you plan to have one of your employees supervise their work, it’s helpful for people to have information they can consult if the supervisor gets pulled away.
    8. Prep the path that assets will take from their current location to the new one.
      Will doors need to be taken off their hinges or passageways enlarged to make more room for large items, or are there any other structural accommodations that must be made? Are there flooring surfaces that need to be protected or modified? 也, 对于特别大的物品, will any type of permit or authorization be required to haul the assets on public roads? Thinking through these types of issues and making necessary preparations can help prevent delays.
    9. 对有害物质采取适当的预防措施.
      Industrial plant moves sometimes involve hazardous materials. 如果这是你的情况, be sure you understand the properties of the materials you’re 移动 and that you handle them properly. Of course, the specialty crating and shipping company you’re using should have expertise in “有害物质”十大网络彩票平台大全.
    10. 执行搬家和执行搬家后的检查.
      移动是一次性进行还是分阶段进行, you should go through your relocation plan and checklists to ensure that the necessary actions are being performed and the required assets have made it to the new location and are in working order.



本专业生产、包装、 移动 与您合作的运输提供商应该有 包装工程师 在员工. These trained professionals have extensive expertise in how to design custom packaging that can ensure the safe transportation of different types of items. It’s important that you and your team work closely with the engineer, as the information you provide about your assets is essential to the packaging strategy they develop.

最终, with the assistance of the right service provider and the appropriate amount of preparation, you can execute an efficient and error-free industrial plant relocation.